UD Tolerance for Error

UD Tolerance for Error

Page done by: Daniellemhblog

People are not perfect, and tolerance for error is kinda like having a back up plan if someone makes a mistake. 

Some examples:

If you want to to give someone $50 but you type $500 the app or website that you’re using will stop you or ask you if that is really what you want to do. 

The undo or ‘go back’ button ( Control ‘Z’).

Some websites or apps that save your work every so often in case the power goes out.

The newer cars beeping and flash red if you been to hit the breaks fast or faster, sometimes it even breaks for you.

Fail safe features


Tolerance for Error is made to correct the mistakes that people make or might make to make everyone’s life easier. 

Image result for tolerance for error

Link (Links to an external site.)

This picture belongs to https://universaldesignfail.wordpress.com/category/uncategorized/bad-design/ (Links to an external site.)