The Hero’s Journey: Virtual Experience

Mood Board

My mood board is based on the acorn clasp and backpack I will be working on.



Natural History Museum of Vienna


The idea of the area was good and the steampunk section is interesting to see but I personally did not like the way the whole space was set up. They used what looked like 360 photos that you walk on that were weird when you were in them. They also only really had bugs for the steampunk area. It would have been nice to see other things there.

Non- Profit:



The island has good information on how to find out more about the events there but the area is a little barren when it comes to decorations. The openess of the area would help with large numbers of people but still looks a bit boring.


Death Row


It has Apocalyptic themed items to buy. The aesthetics of the area are awesome but it takes a while to load in everything. Since everything took a while to load I had to sit in one area for a while to get everything to load in and honestly was insure if all of it had even after a minute or two sitting there.


The Sim Quarterly


This area was pretty amazing to go through it was structured to look like the Japanese brush painting. All of it was interesting to go see. I don’t think there was any part that I would say didn’t work here.


I Am A Rock


It is a cool little pirate themed rock area for music. It has a nice aesthetic but can be a little dark if settings are too high. It would have been nice if there was an actual event there when I was exploring the area.

Role-Playing or Gaming:

Gaming island


This area is filled with a ton of games but there isn’t much there besides that. I wasn’t the largest fan of it but there seemed to be a decent amount of people there.

Real Life:

Aokigahara Forest


It is a realistic area of Aokigahara forest. They even added the ropes that people who wander off trail leave behind in case they want to get back. I wish they could have added more info to the area or made it look a little more like the actual forest.