UD Perceptible Information

UD Perceptible Information And STEAM

Team: A Team Has No Name

Page done by: McKenzie (Myself)

What is Perceptible Information?

The universal design principle of perceptible information is a design that communicates necessary information effectively to the user. Ways to increase the likelihood that a design will do so are to communicate the information in many ways. Adding pictorial, verbal, and tactile information to signage, add contrast to the information, maximize legibility, and add elements that are easily distinguished.

Some examples of this are:
  • Signage with a picture, words, and braille.
  • A fire alarm with flashing lights
  • Bumps on phone buttons
“accessible signage” by moirabot

The picture above is a perfect example of adding multiple ways to communicate the information. It has both words and braille. Some signs like this may also have pictures.

Universal Design and STEAM

Universaldesign.ie has information on universal design. It includes all 7 principles, the history, UD organisations, and what it is.

Universal design and STEAM are both taught at schools across the country. One school that has recently started incorporating some aspects of this is Mustang High School in Oklahoma. They started adding BYOD, computer labs and Ipads for each student to use for work. These are all part of STEM and is on it’s way to adding more and more of these.

The universal design principle of perceptible information is important due to it allowing everyone access to the same information.