The Hero’s Journey: Infographics Midterm

Brainstorming for the Hero’s Journey Steps

Step 0 – Onboarding

This welcoming step is where the hero enters the world via the pirate ship, learns about the journey, and suits up to head out.

Idea: Encouragements of some sort to help get people started. This would just mean adding something that helps someone push forward with what they want to do. Maybe it could be a magic storybook sorta thing? Something that signals the start of the story?

Step 1 – The Ordinary World

This step refers to the hero’s normal life at the start of the story, before the adventure begins.

Idea: Adding info on the basics of college. The basics would be info about what people either need to enter college or what they may need once they have started. Things that are common but sometimes overlooked because they are simple. Since this is the ordinary world then maybe something comforting, something that reminds the adventurer of home. Maybe it could be a blanket or like a summer bonfire type thing?

Step 2 – Call to Adventure

The hero is faced with something that makes them begin their adventure. This might be a problem or a challenge they need to overcome. 

Idea: Info on the school that would help like links to tuition and degrees. This could help the adventurer finding info that they may have struggled to find before?

Step 3 – Refusal of the Call

The hero attempts to refuse the adventure because they are afraid. 

Idea: College survival guide (kinda like a zombie survival guide). I think a survival guide could be great for encouraging people to work though this step and it would be a fun way to go about it.

Step 4 – Meeting with the Mentor

The hero encounters someone who can give them advice and ready them for the journey ahead. 

Idea: I think a quill and ink could be a good idea for this step. With it maybe there is info to advisers or the head of each department? Sometimes it can be hard to find that kind of info.

Step 5 – Crossing the First Threshold

The hero leaves their ordinary world for the first time and crosses the threshold into adventure.

Idea: A walking stick could be good to add. It would go well with the backpack and cloak clasp that are already in the step. It would be an item that would help on the journey.

Step 6 – Tests, Allies, and Enemies

The hero learns the rules of their new world. During this time, they endure tests of strength of will, meets friends, and comes face to face with foes.

Idea: Athletics and clubs. I think these are the best Ideas we came up with for the wolf pack part of the step.

Step 7 – Approach

Setbacks occur, sometimes causing the hero to try a new approach or adopt new ideas.

Idea: Tips for doing well in classes. maybe something on time management since it seems like a lot of people have issues with this. A pocket watch or something like that could be used for the time management.

Step 8 – Ordeal

The hero experiences a major hurdle or obstacle, such as a life or death crisis. 

Idea: Stories that are written in the dirt or on a tree. The stories would be up to 4-5 sentences or a number of characters like less than 200. The stories would be from students and either what struggle they went through(Anonymous) during school or a message they want to give to others.

Step 9 – Reward

After surviving death, the hero earns their reward or accomplishes their goal.

Idea: show the benefits of a degree vs not getting one. Maybe this could be shown with a book that can be opened if clicked on and maybe they gain something from doing so?

Step 10 – The Road Back

The hero begins their journey back to their ordinary life.

Idea: I think an item that the person can bring back would be good like a keychain or something would be good. This would be like a momento for the road back.

Step 11 – The Resurrection Hero

The hero faces a final test where everything is at stake and they must use everything they have learned. 

Idea: I don’t know if they have it but something like a pen that can turn to a sword like in Percy Jackson?It would be a weapon to help with the final fight while also standing for the whole “The pen is mightier than the sword” thing.

Step 12 – Return with the Elixir

The hero brings their knowledge or the “elixir” back to the ordinary world, where they apply it to help all who remain there.

Idea: I think something anything reflective could work here. Could be something like the memory pool in Harry Potter.

My Idea for Step 6

Step 6 is all about enduring tests of will, meeting friends, and foes. My area in Step 6 that I am focusing on is the wolf pack.

Due to this, I was thinking of making an infographic that focused on engaging in activities at the college like clubs or athletics.

This would include adding things like links or basic info about the clubs and such that the college offers.

This is an example of what I plan to do but I am still not sure of how I want to structure the actual thing. I plan to experiment with flow charts and other things as well. I just want to show the clubs and maybe athletics that are available to people in the school since the school doesn’t seem to advertise them well.

Ideas for the Gallery

For the gallery, I noticed that so far our water room doesn’t have much so I was looking for items that may go well in there. I found some bubbles and kraken type items that might go well in the water room.